Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Week 17

Party Week! Friday was a half-day at school for Kaitlyn and most of that was taken up by the mini-relay at the school. It was a fund-raiser for cancer, with them doing a short walk around the track then participating in a few other activities that were set up outside. Tyler and I went to the school to watch, then took Kaitlyn home with us. And that was the beginning of Spring Break.

Saturday we decorated Easter Eggs. Then did some shopping/errands since it was rainy weather and soccer was cancelled.

Sunday was Easter. The kids had a blast. That Easter Bunny is almost as generous as Santa and the kids got tons of fun stuff. Kaitlyn and Tyler spent the rest of the day playing with all their new stuff. Sam and I were on a mission to get the fence done before we left for the beach though, so we spent most of the day working on the vinyl part of the fence (the front section).

Aren't those giant eggs cool?! The bigggest ones held new beach towels, the others had water bottles, swim goggles and sunglasses.

The kids were absolutely adorable that day and in the best moods that day. It was amazing to see how loving and happy they were to spend time playing with just each other. No fighting, no arguments, no bugging Mom and Dad for much of anything. At one point Tyler told me "
Mommy, me and Kaitlyn are best friends together."
The last thing they did that night was Kaitlyn reading their bedtime story to him cuddled up together in one of the chairs in the play room.
Grandma Alene and Oma Rhonda sent the kids Easter outfits (along with other fun Easter stuff) so I took the time to drag the kids to the park for a photo session later in the week.

We finished up the fence (stupid gate! that'll still need to be redone) Tuesday night and Wednesday morning we were off to the beach!

Thursday was icky weather - didn't rain too much but it was chilly and the wind was bad. So we took the kids to the Battleship Museum (USS North Carolina).

More details about the 2nd half of our beach trip next week...

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